Writing Copy

Prior to writing any copy, it’s important to know your audience and who you’re wanting the message to resonate with. Your copy and messaging should be answering your audience's questions, bring value to their lives, or relate to something they’d understand. 

For Facebook:

Please keep in mind, Facebook copy is NOT weighted as high a priority as the image you’re pairing it with. The key to writing copy on Facebook is brevity, speaking to your audience, complementing the image, and including the call-to-action (clickable when possible). Please note if putting copy in your actual image, it’s best to limit this to less than 20% of your image.

That said, the business best practices for copy on facebook, include:

  1. Tie your text to a visual

  2. Create different copy for different audiences

  3. Tailor your message to the audience - choose a character for your audience and talk to them

  4. Be recognizable - stay on brand with your messages

  5. KISS - Keep it short and sweet and focus on one thing you want to iterate to your audience

  6. Stick to one call-to-action

  7. Mention price (when appropriate) - this is a motivator for people to purchase

  8. Include a time frame (“now” “this week” to create a sense of urgency and limited time)

Please note, the above is specific to Facebook Ads and Paid content. It is encouraged to experiment with your organic posts and post content that is performing well and resonates best with your audience. Long form content can perform well if it connects with your audience.

For Instagram:

  1. Put the important content at the beginning. Be punchy in the first 125 characters.

  2. Include a call-to-action

  3. Use Hashtags

  4. Use Emojis (when applicable)

  5. Be creative in the copy and let the visual and copy complement each other 

  6. Tag other people/brands if in the image or when cross-promoting


Depending on the context in which the copy will be placed, length will vary. If you want your reader to move quickly through a page toward a goal, include informative, but brief sentences or bullets. If you’re hoping to engage a user to spend more time with your content, a general rule of thumb is to plan for 1,000 quality words.

  1. Begin with the main purpose of the article/blog in the first sentence 

  2. Speak to the target audience by answering questions they are seeking around the topic you’re writing about

  3. If there are people in your niche you have access to that are experts in the topic, consider having them guest write or interview them and bring in quotes

Promote Your Content:

  1. Cross promote your content through your other social channels and any guest featured writers

  2. Consider posting links to the relevant content you’ve created in forums such as local 

facebook groups related to your niche, reddit or quora when folks are asking questions 

that your copy/content answers