Adapting to Change

Last week I was on a call with one of our clients. She was describing her weekend and mentioned that she loved hearing the wind blow as she sat outside with her family.  As she spoke, I couldn’t help but visualize the picture that she was describing to me.  It was peaceful and calm. Then in an instant, my mind grabbed hold of “the wind” she mentioned.  I could actually hear it and see it.

Have you ever watched a tree bend or sway gracefully when the wind blows against it? It does not stand rigid, resisting the flow of energy.  It does not push back. The tree accepts the strong wind as a blessing that helps it grow.

 As I thought about this more, it made me realize that this is what so many of businesses that we work with have experienced this year.  The winds have blown hard. They began when Covid-19 blew in, then came the storms of social injustices and riots and followed by the natural disasters of hurricanes, floods and fires.  Any one or all of these things could have broken their spirits or business.  But like a tree, they have weathered the storms.

Like so many, my client has moved toward change with an open mind and heart.  These strong winds have allowed for personal growth, learning and progress. I am proud to say that it has been a blessing to be a part of this journey together.  Strength has arisen through the process. The outcome is that the business is stronger.  The team is stronger. The community is stronger.  She is stronger. We are all stronger.

The hard and rigid will break.  The soft and flexible will remain.

Tao Te Ching

- Midge Good, Karnan Associates